Hello , I came to your blog as suggested by the "H&M Competition" Good luck on winning. And here I am Loving your blog , lets become fashionable blogger friends , lets follow each other.
Maybe you'll be interested in the GOD SAVE McQUEEN Shirt GIVEAWAY I'm having on my blog. ENTER HERE and Good Luck http://www.thedollsfactory.com/2010/10/fendi-giveaway-winner-and-invitation-to.html — Find Dolls Factory on
Sem dúvida que se adequa a um dia como o de hoje! Gostei do look! 🙂
e hoje está mesmo um dia chuvoso.. :/
se gostar de camafeus, pode ver aqui alguns colares
Gosto do look!!! 😀
o Bernas não gosta nada do inverno, mas depois ha roupa que me faz ter vontade de ir ate ao frio so um bocadinho..
Hello , I came to your blog as suggested by the "H&M Competition" Good luck on winning.
And here I am Loving your blog , lets become fashionable blogger friends , lets follow each other.
Maybe you'll be interested in the GOD SAVE McQUEEN Shirt GIVEAWAY I'm having on my blog. ENTER HERE and Good Luckendi-giveaway-winner-and-invitation-to.html
Find Dolls Factory on